Acupuncture in Santa Barbara, California
Acupuncture is the painless insertion of fine, sterile needles at specific points on the body which can affect healing change. Patients describe it as an achy, electric, heavy, warm or cold sensation. A typical treatment involves the insertion of needles into 6-8 acupuncture points. Depending on the condition being treated, the needles will be left in the body from 25-40 minutes.
What is it?
Practitioners of Chinese medicine believe that it is thru the manipulation of Qi that healing results can be attained. Qi is the internal energy that is our life force. It provides us with momentum, creativity, and inspiration. It moves through our body via meridians or pathways to nourish and sustain us until death. In disease, Qi stagnates and blocks our meridians causing disharmony. With the insertion of needles into specific points, the Qi is allowed to flow freely, thereby restoring balance, harmony, and wellness.
How does it work?
At Awakened Heart Acupuncture we use the modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) during your visits. TCM involves acupuncture, herbal medicine, diet and lifestyle advice. The goal of TCM is to strike a balance between our internal and external environments. What we experience and how we respond to life’s daily successes and challenges affects how our bodies function. We can only live and maintain health successfully if both are in harmony.