Acupuncture for kids? Yes!! Kids love Traditional Chinese Medicine!
Parents are turning to the natural healing modalities of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine to treat their children instead of using pharmaceuticals.
serving Santa Barbara, California
Having been an elementary school teacher, Nicole enjoys treating kids from birth thru young adult. She loves teaching them about the benefits of Chinese Medicine as a safe, holistic approach to health and healing.
Her goal is to encourage the body to find a healthy, energetic balance. Instead of treating single symptoms she uses the wisdom of Chinese Medicine to evaluate the whole body and treats the “root problem”. When the root problem is balanced, then the branches (or symptoms) will resolve on their own.
She uses Shonishin (a Japanese style of needless treatment), acupressure and cupping to treat children ages 0-10. Shonishin uses tools on the skin to stimulate the flow of Qi. A child’s energy is closer to the surface and thus does not require the insertion of needles to move the energy to create healing change.
If kids are older than 10 and agree to try acupuncture, she will use a combination of small, thin needles (the size of a strand of hair), acupressure, and cupping. She will start off with just a few needles and increase as the child gets more comfortable with her and the therapy.
Nicole will also educate the child’s caretaker in acupressure and massage, so that they may support the child in their healing at home. Diet and lifestyle advise will be given as well.

Acupressure and herbal medicine are some of the most effective and safest approaches for relieving common infant and child health conditions.
Acupressure and herbal medicine are some of the most effective and safest approaches for relieving common infant and child health conditions. *
We can:
colic, constipation, tummy ache, reflux and other digestive issues.
stress, anxiety, depression,night terrors, and ADHD
provide relief from the common cold, flu, seasonal allergies, ear infections, and asthma
growing pains and sports related injuries
such as eczema, insomnia, menstrual issues, cramps, PMS, and more.